Endeavour Predict
Q : Will it be possible to implement the algorithms directly within a third party system rather than use the REST API?
A: Yes. The scores can be obtained under license as C# SDKs or Java SDK
Q: Where are the algorithm specifications?
A: The specification of the algorithms are available via the various web based applications. For example QRISK3 is at https://qrisk.org/src.php
Q: Are code sets or value sets available to support integrated implementations?
A. Yes. The Endeavour information manager contains the value sets used in the calculations. These can be downloaded in various formats such as csv, tsv or xls as well as available through a public FHIR Rest API.
Q: Who maintains the value sets and are they accurate?
A: The value sets are maintained by the algorithm authors, for example, the Oxford University researchers that have authored Q scores. They are approximate and a guide and are updated regularly. They are assured by the researchers as part of the statistical and clinical process. Automated rule based variable generation should be supplemented by HCP/Patient interaction when used in direct care. There are many examples where codes in records are inaccurate or out of date.
Q: Are comprehensive test packs be made available to support testing and implementation?
A: Yes, The release comes with a test pack containing values for all of the parameters and a set of test data and results
Q: Can I develop calculators directly from the specifications?
A: Software developed from the open source specification and must conform to GNU Lesser General Public License and the additional terms as displayed on the above page.
Q: Can my own developed calculator be called by their original "Q" Names
A: Most of the calculators are trademarked. For example QRISK is trademarked by EMIS and Nottingham University. To use their trademarks a license is required. Endeavour has a license and is able to sublicense the closed source versions.
Q: Must my own developed calculator be registered as a device?
A: If used for health care decision making then it must be registered as a device with MHRA. Traceability is required as part of the assurance and clinical safety process, and the cooperation of the researchers is normally required so that you can prove your implementation conforms. Endeavour is not an author of the algorithms.