Data & Analytics passport and accelerator challenge

From Endeavour Knowledge Base

We have been asked to share this message with Data and Analytical teams so that they are able to contribute to the shaping of the solution.

If you have any other contacts which you think might be interested in taking part please do share this further.

Have your say on upcoming analytics initiatives: Passport and Accelerator challenge

We would really appreciate your thoughts on a project which has the ambition to develop the Data and Analytical workforce throughout health and social care, ensuring it becomes a recognised  professional body of people with clearly defined and progressive career pathways to support that ambition.  We are interested in capturing your thoughts on the potential of a Data and Analyst Passport to enable mobility from within health and care analytics by recording qualifications, skills and key work experiences etc. 

We are also interested in learning whether you think a Data and Analytics Accelerator challenge would be of interest to you – this would involve forming virtual teams (NHS, Local Authority, Public health, commercial orgs, etc.) as a competitive and collective power to help solve a complex issue, with the winning team being rewarded in some way – financially or other.  We’d like to understand your views on what would make the competition both successful and fun – what should the prize be, how would the winning team be decided and what would make you want to take part.

A very brief survey can be found here