
From Endeavour Knowledge Base
Revision as of 09:02, 25 August 2022 by DavidStables (talk | contribs)

Basic shapes

These shapes are the meta classes of the named entities within the information model.

Class Field Card. Type Comment
IrirRef A resource with an iri and name
label 1..1 xsd:string The name of the entity

{| class="wikitable"

|+ !Class !colspan="2"|Field !Card. !Type !Comment |- |rowspan="5"| Entity
(subtype of IrirRef)
| | |The super class and data model for all named resources in the model i.e. the data model of the entities that are labelled with iri label and status |- | |colspan="2"|comment |0..1 |xsd:string |The description of the entity |-

|colspan="2"|type |1..1 |rdfs:Resource |The base type of the entity i.e. one of the high level entity types |-

|colspan="2"|status |1..1 |im:Status |The status of the entity being active, inactive, draft or unassigned |-

|colspan="2"|scheme |1..1 |im:Graph |The code scheme or graph which the entity belongs to |-


|}== Query language shapes == These shapes form the query language DSL for retrieving data from the IM or health records.

Class Field Card. Type Comment
Query Request A request for data sent as a body (json in local name format) to the /queryIM API.
Contains either a query or query iri with run time variable values for use in the query
page 0..1 PageInformation optional page number and size if the client is looking for paged results
textSearch 0..1 xsd:string If a free text search is part of the query
argument 0..* Argument arguments to pass in to the query as parameters. Parameter name and value pairs. Values ,may be strings, numbers or IRIs
query 1..1 Query The query definition for an inline dynamic query. If the query is already defined, use the queryIri. Arguments may be used in eoither approach


1..1 sh:IRI The IRI of a predefined query in the information model. i.e. request the system to run query X
referenceDate 0..1 im:DateTime reference date for date ranges that use reference date. Note that it could be passed in as an argeument
PageInformation Information about paging if the client wishes to page results, including page number and page size
pageNumber 1..1 xsd:integer Page number (starting at 1)
pageSize 1..1 xsd:integer number of entries per page
Argument A named parameter and a value for passing into a function
parameter 1..1 xsd:string Parameter name for a function or the parameter name for an argument
valueData 1..1 xsd:string Vaue that is a literal such as a string or number


1..1 xsd:string argumenT value which is a variable name to be resolved at run time


1..1 SelectClause Argument value that is the result of a select query


1..1 sh:IRI Argument value that is an iri
(subtype of ModelHeading)
A Query definition holding the logical definition of a query in a standard language
resultFormat 0..1 xsd:string Whether the result set is required flat select style json or a nested graphql json object style 'RELATIONAL' or 'OBJECT. Default is OBJECT
usePrefixes 0..1 xsd:boolean true if you want the results to use IRI prefixes
activeOnly 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether only active entities are included in the match clauses or select clauses
select 1..1 SelectClause Select query clause logically similar to SQL/SPARQL select but with GraphQL nesting ability


0..1 MatchClause If the query is a boolean true or false use match clauses as an ask
mainEntity 0..1 sh:NodeShape The main entity to which all matches must be related e.g. Patient or organisation. i.e. the IRI of a data model entity (SHACL shape)
(subtype of ModelHeading)
count 0..1 xsd:boolean If the query result is simply a sum of the main entities found. equivalent to COUNT(id)
property 1..* PropertySelectClause Information about a property or field to includein the results. Property select supports nesting with selects for the objects that may be values of the property


1..1 PathTargetClause Special function for path query. Information about the target entity when the query is looking to return paths between a source and a target. Both are likely to be passed in as parameters
match 0..* MatchClause The match pattern to which the select clause must comply. Equivalent to a where/filter in SPARQL and JOIN/WHERE in SQL
distinct 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether the entity objects returned should be distinct
entityType 1..1 ConceptReference The entity type for instances this select clause operates on. Options include including subtypes.


1..1 ConceptReference An instance of an enttu for which this select clause operates. As in entity type, optionally to include subtypes, where the entity id is a concept


1..1 rdfs:Resource The consept set, value set, or query result set that forms the base population of instances on which the select clause operates. e.g. a parent cohort.
groupBy 0..* PropertySelectClause If the results need to be grouped, the grouping properties.
orderLimit 0..* OrderLimitClause Ordering of instances via a property value and limiting th enumber returned.
subselect 0..* SelectClause For a query with column groups such as a list report, the select query for each group
(subtype of Entity)
General headings such as name description and alias
alias 1..1 xsd:string An alias or reference term that can be used throughout a query as shorthand for the result set
MatchClause A clause that matches a path to entity, its properties and its values or intersections unions or negation. Equivalent to a sparql wheew filter clause
(subtype of ConceptReference)
sum 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether the result is a summation of this property's values


0..1 xsd:boolean Whether the result is an average of this property's values


0..1 xsd:boolean Whether the result is the maximum of this property's values
select 0..1 SelectClause Nested select clause for graphql style results format
inverseOf 0..1 xsd:boolean Indicates if true that the selected property is an inverse relationship with the target object
function 0..1 im:Function The iri of a function indicating that the result is the result of a function operating on the property values, and any arguments passed in
argument 0..* Argument Arguments to pass into the function
(subtype of IrirRef)
depth 0..1 xsd:integer How many hops to be taken in the graph between source and target
(subtype of IrirRef)
includeSubtypes 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether to include the subtypes of the entites selected or matched
includeSupertypes 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether to include the supertypes of the entity in a match clause. Used for ascending the hierarch to look for properties inherited
excludeSelf 0..1 xsd:boolean Whether to exclude this entity when either include supbtypes or include suprtypes is set. Rarely used but sometimes found in ECL definitions
alias 0..1 xsd:string The column name in a select clause for this property, or a variable used to reference the result set of the values matched
OrderLimitClause null

== Data Model shapes ==

These shapes are the meta classes of the data modelling entities within the information model.

Transactional entity filing shapes

These shapes form the meta classes for entities to be filed into the model or health records.