DRAFT Pipeline

From Endeavour Knowledge Base
Project name Applicant Summary Data state Status
Atrial Fibrillation Report Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) This is individual level depersonalised patient level data that will be aggregated into practice level data for an AF dashboard describing practice level performance repeated quarterly on an ongoing basis. De-identified On hold

Cancer Research UK (CRUK) lung cancer pathways Barts Health NHS Trust/QMUL Identifying actionable events in the natural history of lung cancer prior to diagnosis in primary care and implementing them in a learning health system in NE London. Pseudonymised In progress
COPLUG COPLUG The key aim of the bid project is to provide an innovative scalable spatial analytics platform to:
  • link housing data and population growth to predict spatial demand on primary care services.
  • link patient level clinical data to provide a granular understanding of distribution of demand based on activity, age profile, deprivation, clinical conditions and such other factors.
  • link demand and distribution to housing, S106 and CIL contributions to predict developer's contribution towards Health Needs.
Pseudonymised Development
Dementia and neurodegerative diseases Barts Health NHS Trust/QMUL This is an observational cross sectional cohort study to identify risk factors for neurodegenerative disorders including dementia, Parkinsons, multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease and other neorological disorders in order that the factors leading to thses diseases may be better understood. There will be an agreed start and finish date for this programme dependent upon agreed funding. De-identified On hold
ELFT Psychology GP consultations East London Foundation Trust (ELFT) & Clinical Effectiveness Group Request to analyse / evidence the impact of psychology interventions on numbers of GP attendances. On hold
Enhancing care for frail patients in East London Barts Health NHS Trust This project is designed to bring together various strands of hospital and community frailty assessments and services and where possible combine clinical pathways to ensure best practice delivery of services with the most efficient use of resources. Patient identifiable
North West London – Diabetes NWL Health & Care Partnership To preload the KnowDiabetes CRM RDBMS with bulk diabetes related patient data from NWL GP Practices. Patient identifiable Development
Optimising shared decision making in high-risk surgical patients (OSIRIS) Barts Health NHS Trust This project is an NIHR funded programme of work that will develop a shared decision making tool for patients considering high-risk operations. Pseudonymised Development
Preventing mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of hepatitis B virus (HBV) by immunisation Clinical Effectiveness Group (CEG) We propose a proof-of-concept study to link HBV-infection status in mothers delivering in Barts Health Trust maternity units to their offspring infant immunisation records held in GP systems. Patient identifiable In progress
REAL - Child Health QMUL To understand and improve the health outcomes of childhood obesity, which affects one in ten children starting primary school in east London, and of rare childhood diseases, which affect one in seven children over their lifetime. Pseudonymised In progress
Reducing bleeding risk from anticoagulants and antiplatelet medicines Barts Health NHS Trust This data is intended to be extracted in near real time to provide a 'common virtual review' accessible to both GPs and hospital clinicians of factors likely to be relevant to bleeding risk and its reduction in people who take common antithrombotic medicines. De-identified In progress
Valproate safety in pregnancy QMUL This data is intended to be extracted in near real time to provide a 'common virtual review' of a "Valporate pregnancy prevention plan" accessible to both GPs and hospital clinicians summarising factors likely to be relevant to avoidance of valproate exposure in pregnancy. De-identified In progress
Predicting Vascular Complications In Diabetes Barts Health NHS Trust Using Barts EHR for development of predictive algorithms and ultimately for decision support, care planning and quality improvement for patients at risk of diabetic foot. For this we need to link Barts Health patients to GP death data via their NHS Number. In progress
NHS Digital - Healthy and Child Programme In progress