London Discovery data service.

From Endeavour Knowledge Base
Revision as of 09:00, 31 October 2021 by DavidStables (talk | contribs)

Discovery Data Service status

  • The data service is live.
  • It currently stores and processes the data from 28 million linked organisational patient records in the UK.
  • It contains long term records on 14 million unique UK citizens who have been resident in London at some point in the last 30 years (including people who have left or died).
  • Data on individuals are held in a single common data model with data values represented by a super ontology composed of the world's leading health ontologies.
  • Data in Discovery is submitted by health providers who provide primary, secondary, and urgent care services to patients or clients.
  • Data is kept up to date in close to real time - at worst within 24 hours; see Latency of extract data feeds for more details

Publishers and subscribers

These articles provide some brief high level information for organisations that send data to Discovery and those that use that data.

  • Publishers - includes technical interface information, FHIR mapping, system requirements, and how to make changes to publishing services.
  • Subscribers - includes set up, data mapping, and schema information.