Adastra Extract FHIR Mapping

From Endeavour Knowledge Base


This file contains details of patient out of hours case data.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: EpisodeOfCare
PatientRef Patient reference
PriorityName priority extension
CaseRef id
CaseNo identifier
StartDateTime period.start
EndDateTime period.end
LocationName n/a
CaseTagName identifier
ArrivedPCC arrival extension
UserRef practitioner reference
ODSCode organisation reference

Case Questions

This file contains defined questions and answers linked to a case.  It is treated like a questionnaire associated with a case encounter.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: QuestionnaireResponse
CaseRef identifier also used to derive the linked Encounter reference from a pre- transform
QuestionSetName group.title
Question group.question.text
Answer group.question.answer.value


This files list the outcomes(s) of the case.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: EpisodeOfCare
CaseRef id
OutcomeName outcome extension


This file lists all patient notes linked to a case.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Flag
CaseRef id together with patientId and ReviewDateTime
PatientRef subject patient reference
ReviewDateTime period.start
NoteText code  as text only
Obsolete n/a - ignored where equals true
Active status
UserRef author reference


Details all the patients seen as part of the OOH service linked to a case.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Patient
PatientRef id
Forename givenName
Surname familyName
DOB birthDate
NHSNumber identifier
NHSNoTraceStatus identifier
Language communicationComponent.language CodableConcept

speaks English extension if language = English

Ethnicity enthnicity extension (only attempt match if field 27 blank)
Gender gender
RegistrationType episode of care registration type extension
HomeAddressBuilding address.line, use = HOME
HomeAddressStreet address.line, use = HOME
HomeAddressTown, use = HOME
HomeAddressLocality address.line, use = HOME
HomeAddressPostcode address.postcode, use = HOME
MobilePhone contactPoint, use = MOBILE
HomePhone contactPoint, use = HOME
EthnicCode enthnicity extension


This file details the patient consultations associated with a case.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Encounter
CaseRef EpisodeOfCare reference

Used to derive Patient reference

ConsultationRef id
StartDateTime period.start
EndDateTime period.end
CaseType CodableConcept encounter_source
History Observation.comments linked to Encounter
Examination Observation.comments linked to Encounter
Diagnosis Observation.comments linked to Encounter
TreatmentPlan Observation.comments linked to Encounter
PatientName n/a - Patient reference used
PatientForename n/a - Patient reference used
PatientSurname n/a - Patient reference used
UserRef Participant Primary Performer reference


Details the drug items given during the Consultation which links back to a case. 

These will be Snomed DM&D coded as part of phase 2.
FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: MedicationStatement
CaseRef id = CaseRef + ConsulationRef + PatientId

Used to derive Patient reference

ConsultationRef Used to derive effectiveDate, i.e. same as consultation date and practitioner from

Consultation UserRef Encounter reference

DrugName CodableConcept.code.text
Preparation units extension
Dosage dosage
Quantity quanity extension
DMDCode CodableConcept.code
Issue if (not N) then creates linked MedicationOrder resource

Clinical codes

Details all the clinical codes added during a Consultation which links back to a case.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Observation
CaseRef id = CaseRef + ConsulationRef + ClinicalCode

Used to derive Patient reference

ConsultationRef Used to derive effectiveDate, i.e. same as consultation date and the UserRef of the consultation for the Observation clinician

Encounter reference

ClinicalCode CodableConcept.code as Read2.  Also mapped to Snomed.
Term CodableConcept.code.text as Read2.  Also mapped to Snomed.


Details the patient GP practice and locations.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Organization. Linked to the Patient resource Care Provider
GPPracticeNatCode Organization.identifier.value
GPPracticePostcode Organization.address.postcode


Details the clinical users/practitioners, linking into all UserRef references in other resources.

FieldName FHIR Mapping
FHIR Resource: Practitioner
UserRef id
Forename HumanName.given
FullName HumanName.text
ProviderGMC if a GP, create an identifier
ProviderNMC if a Nurse, create an identifier